Appears in: Campus



Banks at Makerere University are crowded with long queues as students are paying tuition and other university requirements using the new university digital e-payment system. Centenary, Stanbic, and DFCU banks are some of the most affected banks with majority students spotted spread outside as spaces inside banks are limited.


Post date: 6 years 3 weeks ago
Appears in: Society

Save for the religious differences and contradicting beliefs, a section of Muslims used this year's Eid al Adhuha to show care and love to some Christians.

Post date: 6 years 3 weeks ago
Appears in: Campus


An outgoing student of Bachelor of Education has died of stomach complications.  Alice Namatovu died on Tuesday 28th while being rushed to the hospital.

She had completed her third year in education, awaiting to graduate in January 2019.

Post date: 6 years 3 weeks ago
Appears in: National


The disabled students of Makerere University have been urged to harness their extra abilities that come with every disability.

The call was made August 28th at Makerere Main Hall in a meeting organized by White Canes, a non-profit organization with its headquarters in Russia.

Post date: 6 years 3 weeks ago
Appears in: Campus


Students taking evening lectures in fear of insecurity

 A Second year girl was last night attacked and assaulted before her phone and jumper were taken away by thugs.

Post date: 6 years 3 weeks ago
Appears in: Campus




Muganzi Awongererwa road gives Makerere Northern side, commonly known as Kikumi-Kikumi a new look.


Although the Muganzi-Awongererwa road is still under construction, Kikumi-Kikumi is no longer what it was, with  residents appreciating the work so far.


Post date: 6 years 3 weeks ago
Mourners eulogizing Emmanuel Batanda
Appears in: Science and Technology


St. Andrew Kagwa Gombe High School has has suspended all holiday academic activities, after the death of their Head of Science Department, Emmanuel Batanda. Batanda died in an accident with five others last week while heading to Lugazi for burial, when a vehicle they were travelling in overturned as they dodged a trailor.

Post date: 6 years 3 weeks ago
Appears in: IDD-Al ADHA, Society



By Mutoni Fadhiilah

22nd August 2018

Religious leader calls for unity during Eid AL-Adha

Post date: 6 years 3 weeks ago
Appears in: Business



Travelers stranded at the old taxi park in Kampala



KAMPALA-Many bus and taxi operators increased transport costs especially those that work along up-country routes.

Post date: 6 years 3 weeks ago
Appears in: National

Muslim leaders speak out on the acts of violence in the country on Idd celebrations

By Mugeni Yvonne Isabella

22nd august, 2018

Post date: 6 years 3 weeks ago
