Kyambogo Students Beat Suspected Thief into Coma



Students of Kyambogo University on Saturday morning descended on a phone thief and clobbered him to coma.

George Kasujja, 26, a resident of Banda B zone, was caught trying to flee from campus with a phone he had stolen from a first year Education student, Aisha Nalukenge.

According to Nalukenge, Kasujja attacked her when she was almost entering the lecture room, grabbed her phone, and tried to run away.

In the process, Nalukenge said she made an alarm that attracted other students who chased him.

I'm a Target, says Suspended Mak Student

One of the suspended students at Makerere University has said he will not pick his suspension letter this time arguing that some officials within the institution are targeting him as a person.

Frank Bwambale, a former contestant to the Guild Representative Council (GRC) to represent the School of Languages, Literature and Communication (SLLC), was suspended a year ago and forced to write an apology to Makerere.

Now in his final year pursuing a degree course in Journalism and Communication, Bwambale is in trouble once again.

Opposition Political Parties Funding Makerere Strike - First Lady

The First Lady and Minister of Education and Sports, Janet Kataha Museveni, has accused opposition political parties of funding strike against tuition increment at Makerere University.

In a statement dated October 29, Ms Museveni argues that she has got reliable information showing that most of people engaged in the strike are not students of Makerere or any other university but youths who make a fortune from taking part in strikes.
