Mitchel and University Halls risk closure over violent culture

Makerere University’s Mitchel and University halls are at risk of being closed for their violent culture exhibited on Sunday 6th March, 2022.

On 6th March 2022, at around 3:00am, a violent clash between the residents of Mitchell Hall and University Hall broke out. The fight led to damage of property.

Makerere University students to continue with blended learning, despite recent protest

Makerere University will continue with blended learning, despite recent protests from students calling for full physical opening of the university. The aftermath of the February 7th ‘open for all protests’ at Makerere University ushered in roundtable negotiations between the university administration and the students’ guild leadership. The two reached a consensus with the former pledging to release new academic arrangements by 5th March, 2022.

Guild budget: Is it a confidential affair and who is the end beneficiary?

Makerere University's Guild President, Shamim Nambasa

The Makerere Guild constitution stipulates that there shall be a guild cabinet with ministers - chosen from within the house and answerable to the Guild Representative Council. Upon taking up office, ministers are obliged to make a budget so as to fund operations in their respective ministries.

Ministers usually formulate a workplan of whatever they want to accomplish from their manifesto and the budget does fund the projects. The workplan is then presented to the finance minister and the house at large for approval.
