Appears in: Campus

Makerere University students went on strike on Tuesday demanding university administration to scrap off a policy that requires them to clear tuition by the sixth weeks.

The strike which was yesterday organized and fueled by a section of students led by Makerere University Private Students Association president, Wanyera Simon started early in the morning.

Post date: 8 years 5 months ago
Appears in: Campus

Makerere University students pursuing Bachelors degree in Ethics and Human Rights on Wednsday morning expressed their discontent with the government action on Besigye’s house arrest in a bare foot demonstration.

Since the February 18th presidential elections, Dr Kiiza Besigye one of the strong candidates has been under a house arrest by police.

Post date: 8 years 5 months ago
Appears in: Campus

Shortly after the Makerere University Electoral Commission tribunal announced that there will be a guild presidential re-election at the School of Education and external studies, the supporters of Bazil Mwotta have swore not to step at the pollling stations, saying that their candidate won with a landslide victory.

Post date: 8 years 6 months ago
Appears in: Campus

Professor Abasi kiyimba has made a landmark in African literature by translating the famous Song Of Lawino into a Luganda version titled Omulanga Gwa Lawino, a version that was launched on Friday from Makerere Main hall.

Post date: 8 years 6 months ago
Appears in: Campus

Makerere Journalism and Communication students were on Friday evening thrown into excitement after their department head, Dr William Tayebwa, informed them about his success in getting new frequency that will see the treasured Campus FM back on air waves.


Campus Fm was closed in 2009 after the university failed to pay UCC taxes that amounted to Shs 15 million.


Post date: 8 years 6 months ago
Appears in: Campus

At the last rally yesterday, some of the Makerere guild presidential contestants summarised their manifestos as below with each of them trying to use the most pursuasive langague, there exists.

Mandela Nkunda took the podium first. He is the NRM flag-bearer, and he called upon students to vote him, saying that he is the only capable person who will solve problem of missing marks that affecst most of the students, resulting to some of them not graduating.

Post date: 8 years 6 months ago
Appears in: Campus


Ssekidde Nicholas, a recently nominated guild presidential candidate into the guild race, by Makerere Electoral Commission, was yesterday barred from address students at Mitchel hall rally by the hall’s cultural leaders over failure to pay “Culture fee"

Ssekidde was cleared to join the guild presidential race on Friday, a week after the campaigns of the other candidates had kicked off. The candidates in the race are now thirteen (13).

Post date: 8 years 6 months ago
Appears in: National

Students at Bishop Barham University College, Kabale,  were on Tuesday left in shock after their very own Obed Muhoozi slit his throat open over a girlfriend.

Post date: 8 years 6 months ago
