Appears in: undergraduate gown, Campus

As we entered the lecture room, Harrison Okethchwinyu, a class mate of mine is dressed in a red gown, and at the entrance, the lecturer surprised asks whether there is a strike. That is when I get to learn that these red gowns are meant for trouble. But is it the real purpose of this undergraduate gown? If not, why would police be alerted when one puts it on while at Makerere University?

Post date: 10 years 7 months ago
Appears in: crime, Campus

A couple of weeks back, Peninnah Kobusingye, a student at Makerere university was found dead in the bush after she was sexually abused by unidentified people. However, this seems to have fallen on deaf ears of students who are the main victims of insecurity around Kikoni.

According to Fred Olupot, an askari with Makerere International Hostel, insecurity in Kikoni is mainly due to students’ failure to cooperate with security organs.

Post date: 10 years 7 months ago
Appears in: Makerere Guild elections 2014, National

Legislators in the Makerere University Guild Representative Council (GRC) on Friday voted a new five-member committee to organize the forth coming Guild elections that will see the replacement of the Adeke led regime.

Post date: 10 years 7 months ago
Appears in: Makerere Guild elections 2014, National

Makerere University students will vote for their leaders at the end of next month.

According to the statement released by the office of the dean of students dated February 7th, the elections will take place 50 days from February 8th.

“There shall be guild presidential, GRC and SCR elections within 50 days from 8 Feb 2014,” reads part of the statement that was pinned to all notice boards and copied to the Vice Chancellor and his deputies, wardens and the guild president.

Post date: 10 years 7 months ago
Appears in: unemployment, National

Fresh graduates have formed a pressure group, Unemployed Graduates Movement (UGM), a vehicle they say, they will use to agitate for employment reforms and opportunities in Uganda.

The umbrella, which was launched yesterday at Christ the King Church in Kampala comprises of unemployed graduates from Makerere University, Kyambogo and Makerere University Business School (MUBS).

Post date: 10 years 7 months ago
Appears in: unemployed graduates, National

Over ten students have been arrested and detained at Central Police station in Kampala for allegedly demonstrating without permission.

The youths, all members of the Unemployed Graduates’ Movement, a pressure group agitating for job opportunities and reforms in the employment sector were picked from Kampala Road as they marched to the Ministry of gender and Social Development to express their discontent.

Post date: 10 years 7 months ago
Appears in: Notice Board

The Department is calling for abstracts of papers for inclusion in the book. Submissions must focus on the general theme of the book: “Media for Children and Young People”.

The sub-themes include:
• Theoretical perspectives to Child programming
• Child Programming from the civil society point of view; emerging issues, opportunities, challenges and way forward.
• Public service broadcasting and children programming
• Children’s content in the print media

Post date: 10 years 8 months ago
Appears in: Science and Technology

The editor of the online media division of the East African Community, Mr. Edward Ssekalo, has advised students to use social media to foster academic excellence.
In an email interview recently, Mr. Ssekalo said that social media could help overcome physical barriers among students if used well.

Post date: 10 years 8 months ago
Appears in: Campus

I found myself writing it, reflexively. I did not know it was a holy action breaking a few rules in life until the day our first year second semester results were released and one of my course unit mark was missing.

Post date: 10 years 8 months ago
Appears in: Commentary

In high school, where I first heard the word career, it was accompanied by the word guidance making it career guidance. I have attended two career guidance workshops in my whole life.
For most people, there are still unanswered questions like; What is a career? What is career guidance? Why is career guidance important? Who gives career guidance? The dictionary meaning of the word ‘career’ is a job or profession that someone does for a long period of their life.

Post date: 10 years 8 months ago
