Students showcasing their application. source: Department of geomatics website
Appears in: Science and Technology



A student of surveying at Makerere University has developed a web based system to document cases of crime across the country.

The application developed by Collin Ssesanga is a web based geographical information system that uses Google maps and satellite in locating crime hotspots and crime scenes.

Post date: 10 years 2 days ago
Appears in: Campus


A team of seven students from the  department of Journalism and Communication have been sanctioned  as editors  for Journalism@mak, a student news website.

Post date: 10 years 2 days ago
Appears in: Makerere Univeristy, Campus


President Museveni has said he has no time for emotions when dealing with national matters that pertain education.

Post date: 10 years 5 days ago
Appears in: JOCOM, Journalism & Communication, loan scheme, Makerere Univeristy, National

The state minister for Education, Chrysostom Muyingo has refuted all allegations that the students’ loan scheme is discriminatory.

Speaking to students at the Makerere University Law Auditorium on Thursday 11th, Muyingo said that he has received complaints from parliament and the general public about the scheme discriminating against regions, gender, the disabled and Arts students; all which he said is not true.

Post date: 10 years 5 days ago
Appears in: Love, Society

Some things happen because they were meant to happen while others are as a result of human error. Some errors are deliberate while others are as a result of heedlessness. A friend of mine, Max (not real name) drove me to his crib one Saturday evening. He had been jazzing me about how he had begun suspecting her girl friend of, among others, ceding the Bugerere territory to other conquerors. He therefore seemed determined to find out the truth, at all costs.

Post date: 10 years 3 months ago
Appears in: Makerere sports, Sports

Having drunk from the same cup of knowledge and eaten from the same plates of course works, tests, and exams, it was prudent that we sum up the four-year Journalism and Communication program with a football match. When Albert, the Journalism class football captain suggested that we organise a team that would destroy the Communication team, I was more excited than a campus girl for whom a man-friend (read boyfriend) had bought Kasokoso Fried Chicken (KFC).

Post date: 10 years 3 months ago
Appears in: Makerere debates, National

Makerere University academic staff will next academic year begin series of debates on national, regional and international issues. This was revealed by Dr. Muhammad Kiggundu, the Chairperson of the Makerere University Academic Staff Association at the launch of the Bernard Onyango Academic Excellence Awards at Makerere University on Friday, May 30th.

Post date: 10 years 3 months ago
Appears in: Makerere innovations, Science and Technology

As more innovations continue to come from Makerere University’s College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, there is need for students to produce high quality innovations. According to Prof. William Kyamuhangire, the manager, Food Technology Business Incubation Center (FTBIC) students must ensure consistency and quality if what they produce is going to be marketed in Uganda as well as be exported to foreign markets.

Post date: 10 years 3 months ago
Appears in: MAKERERE, Commentary

“Human life and politics are inseparable,’’ said Dr. Simba a political science lecturer. An objection to the above quote would be regarded unrealistic given the fact that it (politics) has been part of man for centuries. The way the politics of a nation, family or any social grouping is handled determines our way of life.

Post date: 10 years 3 months ago
Appears in: Makerere Guild elections 2014, National

Vot counting is under way at the 28 polling stations at Makerere University. The counting follows the voting exercise which took place between 8am and 5pm. However, voting began as late as 10am at some polling stations.

Final results from the grand tally are expected by 9pm.

Post date: 10 years 6 months ago
