Appears in: Campus

Makerere University students and workers will have to wait for two days to get pumped water, the estates and works department has said.

The Estates director, Fred Nuwagaba, according to a communique we have accessed, today morning informed other departments at Makerere that the water in the plant that supplies the campus is being treated.

Post date: 8 years 1 week ago
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Post date: 8 years 1 week ago
Appears in: Campus

A prophet has honor except in his home. Makerere guild president Roy Ssemboga will always live to testify this after he survived punches from angry students who were striking yesterday.

The fourth- year medicine student was saved by a few students who pleaded with his tormentors. The visibly annoyed students, whom we are yet to identify, argued that Ssemboga was reluctant to solve the issue of lecturers refusing to teach evening and weekend students.

Post date: 8 years 1 week ago
Appears in: Society


One person reportedly died in an ambulance after all roads around Clock Tower were blocked to give way to Museveni motorcade.

The ambulance was coming from the side of Kansanga-Ggaba road heading to Mulago national referral hospital last Friday. The dead couldn’t be identified by press time, but the news was broken by the relatives that were in the hospital wagon.

Post date: 8 years 1 week ago
Appears in: Campus


 Students of Agribusiness management at Makerere University under their umbrella, Makerere University Agribusiness Students (MUABS), today morning cleaned Wandegeya market as part of their community outreach program.

This is their third day into the Agribusiness week that started on Monday, September 12 with the visit to Kalerwe market, where they extended the same service.

Post date: 8 years 1 week ago
Appears in: Campus

The Department of Journalism and Communication (DJC) at Makerere University held an in-house orientation for first year students last Friday in Lecture Room 4 (LR4), Arts Building.

During the two-hour event, the DJC Chair, Dr. William Tayeebwa encouraged students to embrace all their course units and start working hard right from the start, since all scores add to the cumulative mark.

Post date: 8 years 1 week ago
Appears in: National

With the deadline for online registration being this Friday, Sept 16, we have realised that thousands of students are still stuck - not knowing where to start from while others put in alot of money to be registered by other people who seem to have mastered the art.

But journalism@mak has now untied the knot. Go through our steps and learn the whole thing.

Post date: 8 years 1 week ago
Appears in: Campus


Post date: 8 years 1 week ago
Appears in: Campus


The vice chancellor of Makerere University, Prof John Ddumba-Ssentamu, has asked students to report to his office lecturers who are missing classes.

While speaking to Journalism@mak on phone, Prof Ddumba-Ssentamu said, as a vice chancellor, he will he will not spare any of the lecturers or instructors who perpetually dodge classes, once he receives their names.

Post date: 8 years 1 week ago
