Appears in: Campus

The Makerere University Vice Chancellor search committee has released the official shortlist with names of three candidates.
The shortlisted candidates include professors Barnabas Nawangwe, Edward Kasujja Kirumira and Venansius Baryamureeba.

The chairperson of the search committee, Irene Ovonji-Odida, announced the names in a press statement issued yesterday.

Post date: 7 years 3 months ago
Appears in: National

A research carried out by Dr Peace Buhwamatsiko Tumuheki of Makerere University indicates that policies subjected to those admitted under the diploma and mature-age entry schemes are very constraining and unfair.

Post date: 7 years 3 months ago
Appears in: Campus

Students at Makerere University are still in shock after getting news that their very own Joanita Nakalembe has passed on, shortly after doing one of her end of semester exams.

Nakalembe, who was a second year Education student, was a resident of Garden Courts hostel in Kikoni, Makerere. According to her course mates and close friends, the deceased complained about feeling unwell after a
Pyscology exam that was done on Tuesday June 6, in the evening.

Post date: 7 years 3 months ago
Appears in: Campus

Sarah Namboozo, the overall best student from Makerere's ongoing 67th graduation ceremony has been awarded a cash prize of Shs 1million.

Namboozo, who has graduated with a first class degree in bachelor of science in marketing with a Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) 4.92 was at Makerere University Business School (Mubs) for the three-year course.

Post date: 7 years 7 months ago
Appears in: National

As Makerere's 67th graduation ceremony commenced today, the university convocation chaired by Dr Tanga Odoi launched two projects that made the event even more colourful.

Post date: 7 years 7 months ago
Appears in: National

Following viral media reports that Samuel Kakande has introduced holy rice that costs Shs 50,000 a kilogram, the synagogue church of all nations prophet has today termed the 'news' as a hoax.

During the church service, Kakande wondered how tabloids and several news sites could run such a story, without any basis and tarnish his name in such a way.

"Those are the words of the enemies, me I don't mind about them and I'm going forward," he calmly told the congregation.

Post date: 7 years 7 months ago
Appears in: National

Jothan Burobubuto, a former acting guild president of Makerere has finally withdrawn from East African Legislative Assembly (EALA) race, according to his letter to speaker Rebecca Kadaga.

According to Burobuto, there are several reasons why he has stepped out of the race, even when he sees himself as having the potential. The reasons for the withdrawal are in his unedited letter below:

Post date: 7 years 7 months ago
Appears in: National

Following a disagreement between Makerere student leaders and university council on how to sort the graduation list mess, the latter have decided to take the matter to court and to the Education minister, Ms Janet Museveni.

According to the guild president Roy Ssemboga, university council today morning resolved that the over 400 eligible students missing on graduation lists should wait for next year to graduate, something he opposed.

Post date: 7 years 7 months ago
Appears in: National

Makerere University appointments board is discussing the possible return of Dr Stella Nyanzi, a researcher who was suspended from Makerere University institute of social research (MISR) last year.

Nyanzi’s suspension was triggered by her nude protest in which she contested a decision by the institute's director Prof Mahmood Mamdani to lock her out of office.

Post date: 7 years 7 months ago
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Post date: 7 years 7 months ago
