2018 Fresher's Ball Excites Students

Written by: 
Daphine Nanyunja and Eve Nakiyingi

Makerere University students especially the fresh men and women are excited about this year’s Fresher's Ball, scheduled for Friday 28th September, 2018.

This party was to take place on 14th September 2018 was pushed to 28th September due to the World University netball championships hosted by Makerere University.

"It has been hectic since we were supposed to look for a suitable and good site for the street jam event, but I am happy because it is finally here and people are eagerly waiting for it," said Matsiko Silver, the Social Affairs Minister.

Many fresh students are curious and excited ahead of their party and want to experience what really takes place during this event.

"I actually don't know the meaning of fresher's ball but I just can't wait to attend this party," says Mugisha Allan, a first year student B.A Social Sciences.

Some students have already bought clothes to be won on this event ready to hit the stage.

"I have my dress ready for the event. I just can't wait to hit the stage and dance with one of the B2C soldiers," said an excited Byensi Olga, a first year student of Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine.

The continuing students are as well excited for the event because of the Street Jam, because in the past  the party has always been in the freedom Square.

"I must say I am excited for this Fresher's Ball because of the venue. I Can't wait to see how it goes," says Kasumba Richard, a third year student of B.A Education.

The party is sponsored by Makerere Students Guild, Capital FM and Faiz Cafe. There will be free entrance for all students from 6pm till late at Senate Road.

Live performances from different artists like B2C Soldiers, Geo Steady, Tonix, Feffe Busi, Levixone and comedian Amooti are expected.

The fresher's ball is an annual event organized to welcome first year students to the University revolving around live music, lots of drinks, eats, among others.