Written by: 
Oliviah Nakayima



Only 60 students turned out for a recent blood donation exercise at Makerere University's Freedom Square. This out of a student population estimated to be over 40,000.

Dr Monica Naluswa from the Uganda Red Cross Society and also working under Nakasero Blood Bank says this is the lowest number they have recorded in all their camnpaigns in Makerere University.

"We have been doing blood donation in different Colleges and so far students have been responding positively. Today we decided to do it  at Freedom Square but we have been surprised by getting only 60 students," said Dr. Naluswa. She could however not confirm whether the low turn up was because they had the drive in the Colleges already.

According to Dominic Kiwanuka, a third year student at the College of Humanities and Social Sciences, this was his time to donate blood says that.

"I am happy that have managed to donate blood. At first, I got scared of the big injection but I got much care from the nurse. I hope and I believe my contribution is going to save someone's life out there," said Kiwanuka.

For Namukwaya Shifrah, a second year student at College of Natural Sciences, she had donated blood before at her College that is why she did not go for blood donation at Freedom Square.

According to Mukisa Gloria, a fourth year student at School of Law says she was not aware about the blood donation exercise at Freedom Square.