Makerere University Students Find Solace in Prayer Groups

Written by: 
Nakakoni Elizabeth


Competition among students, beating course work deadlines, tests, tuition payment delays, relationship struggles - which at times end in heartbreaks are some of the leading sources of stress among University students.

The good news is when life seems tough and unbearable at Makerere University, student believers seek solace in prayer and fellowship groups. They fellowship every week day at lunch hours and in the evenings besides St. Francis Chapel in order to share the word, listen to testimonies, praise, worship and also lift each other's burdens to God by sharing 'prayer requests'.

Sylvia Mukisa, subscribing to Christian Union (CU), the most vibrant prayer group at St. Francis prayer grounds narrates how she joined the fellowship.

"I was so hopeless; exams were around the corner. I had not cleared tuition and yet I had to compose myself, read, do course works and prepare for exam. At this point of despair, my only hope left was God," narrated Mukisa.

Kirabo Ruth Kwagala also shared her testimony. Ruth, subscribing to Jesus is King (JIK) Fellowship, testifies after being prayed for in the fellowship how she felt peaceful during prayers she had never experienced before. "This is the first time in nineteen years I am experiencing this kind of peace; it is unexplainable," Kirabo said.

Kisaakye David Joel, a leader of Jesus is King (JIK) Fellowship says that God is above everything and He is faithful once trusted. He adds that "Campus life can turn out to be a graveyard or a vineyard depending on who drives it and the decisions you make with it".

It is against this background that once they start praying, students literally lose control of themselves; they totally surrender their 'all' to the Supreme who possesses them that strange tongues are heard, whispers, shouts, exclamations, cries and all sorts of expressions of submission.

If one thought that Campus life is only about clubbing and going to the beach in order to shade off stress and find solace, a visit to one of the fellowships at St. Francis gardens at lunch hours or in the evenings would prove them wrong.