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The disabled students of Makerere University have been urged to harness their extra abilities that come with every disability.

The call was made August 28th at Makerere Main Hall in a meeting organized by White Canes, a non-profit organization with its headquarters in Russia.

“Each of us have an extra ability that we develop over time as a coping mechanism to our disability and it is what we should focus our attention on,” counseled Kopalchikov Orleg, the Director of White Canes.

He revealed that he was totally visually impaired from birth but his condition has instead awakened him to the extra abilities he possesses like he does all the house chores himself, drives and even grows crops without seeing anything.

Kopalchikov said he has more zeal than an ordinary person who is not visually impaired and this has led him to achieve extra ordinary feats that others don’t achieve. He said he has travelled widely across the world in his work to empower the disabled and he officially opened the White Cane Uganda Chapter.

The Meeting was attended by over 65 disabled students of Makerere University.

The chairperson of Makerere University Disabled Students Association, Carol Nabaasa concurred with Kopalchikov, saying his message was timely as it empowered students to be economically independent and avoid self-pity that sometimes leads to expecting favors.

“A person with disability can take care of all their needs without help and especially now that we are recognizing our extra abilities to cope with the disability,” said Nabaasa.

A third year BBA student, Lugemwa Robert was all smiles after the meeting because it confirmed what he has always believed in. Disabled at 6 months by Polio in both lower limbs, Lugemwa can only get around with the help of crutches but it has not  deterred him pursue his academic goals.

“I have to start my journeys earlier than the rest, especially if I have to climb stairs, this has instead helped me keep time for lectures and other meetings” says Lugemwa as he negotiated the steps to Makerere main building. He said he was empowered by such messages that lead him to discover his other extra abilities.