Building a Shield: How REJ Empowers Rwanda's Environmental Journalists

Written by: 
Turi Elizabeth Tracy

In the fight for safety of those who bring critical environmental stories to light, the Rwanda Environmental Journalists (REJ) are stepping up their efforts to protect reporters facing threats and intimidation. This comes amidst a growing concern for press freedom in the region, where journalists investigating environmental issues can be particularly vulnerable. Environmental journalism in Rwanda is a relatively young field, but one that is gaining momentum due to the country's focus on environmental sustainability and the challenges it faces.

Daniel Sabiti, an investigative reporter for Kigali Today and Communications Manager at the Rwanda Environmental Journalists (REJ), knows this danger too well. He has faced threats due to his environmental reporting. While working on a story about a steel company polluting the eastern province in Rwanda, he received threats because the company's owners were government officials. "This was not just about a story not being published," says Sabiti. "This was about my safety. I spent weeks gathering evidence, interviewing people, but the threats were real, and I could not risk publishing the story." He lost valuable time and resources – over $100 and sleepless nights due to the intimidation.

Sabiti's experience highlights the lack of safety protocols for environmental journalists in Rwanda. They are often provided with no tool kits, working documents, face masks, protective gear for hazardous environments, or even safety briefings before undertaking potentially risky assignments. These shortcomings, coupled with the ever-present threat of intimidation and harassment, make their work even more perilous. He continues to shed light on a concerning trend: a "wall of silence" faced by reporters investigating environmental issues. Sabiti reveals that sources, often local communities directly impacted by environmental degradation, are becoming increasingly cautious and hesitant to share crucial information. This development poses a significant threat to environmental journalism reporting in Rwanda. Without reliable sources willing to speak openly, journalists struggle to expose environmental wrongdoing and hold powerful entities accountable.

Aimable Twahirwa, a senior science and environmental reporter and the current in-charge of Capacity Building for Rwanda Environmental Journalists, emphasizes the critical importance of objectivity when reporting on environmental issues, particularly when the reports highlight issues of accountability and regulations. "It becomes riskier, especially when the reports focus on accountability and failure for some individuals or organizations to adhere to environmental laws and regulations," Twahirwa states.

He continues to advise journalists who report on the environment to be cautious when investigating sensitive stories. The most critical aspect is to know how to take appropriate precautions while on the job. “The key is for one to be prepared physically, mentally and logistically. It is important to find out as much as you can about the place where you intend to go,” Twahirwa elaborates.

As Rwanda grapples with deforestation, pollution, and climate change, the Rwanda Environmental Journalists (REJ) is making a difference. REJ, a dedicated network of Rwandan environmental journalists, is empowering journalists and strengthening environmental reporting in Rwanda.
While ensuring journalists’ safety may not be REJ's core mission, they understand its vital role in fostering a robust environmental media-scape. Therefore, REJ champions the well-being of its members by actively advocating for their safety and security through workshops, networking events, and information sharing, they delve into critical issues such as deforestation, pollution, and climate change, to ensure that the public is well-informed.

REJ's role extends beyond simply reporting environmental issues. They foster a sense of purpose within their members, transforming them from journalists into passionate advocators for change. This unwavering dedication, even in the face of threats, is a testament to the power of purpose-driven journalism. Their fight for environmental protection serves as an inspiration not just in Rwanda, but for environmental journalists around the world. Additionally, they also combine investigative journalism with citizen education as a ground breaking approach. They equip the Rwandan public with the knowledge and tools needed to protect their environment. Their efforts are not only fostering positive change in Rwanda but also serve as a valuable blueprint for environmental journalism organizations worldwide.

The Rwanda Environmental Journalists (REJ) stands as a testament to the power and resilience of investigative journalism in the face of environmental threats.
