7th Day Adventists Clean Mak Streets

Written by: 
Daphine Nanyunja

Makerere University Seventh Day Adventists' Association (MUSDAA) members have embarked on cleaning streets in Makerere University.


The exercise that began on 19th October with the MUSDAA members cleaning the University by sweeping and collecting rubbish from the roads, digging and uprooting grass from the trenches with the rubbish taken by a truck in what is termed as communal work.


The MUSDAA members have so far cleaned the Mary Stuart and Lumumba halls junction, and the other leading to Makerere College School.


This communal work is conducted throughout the weekend in order to allocate enough time to ensure that each part in the University is cleaned.


Work is carried out by all members of the MUSDAA with a purpose of giving unto the community and reaching out to the needs of the society.


"The primary purpose of the church goes beyond teachings and baptizing, and involves carrying out activities which are beneficial to the society," said Moses Byansi, a member of MUSDAA.


According to the MUSDAA president Richard Ssentongo, all participants do the work on their own free will.


"This communal work is done by everyone of us with willing hearts and we love and enjoy what we are doing. Anyone who wants to join us is welcomed," says Ssentongo.


"This exercise is not only conducted in Makerere University but rather in all Universities in Uganda as we have different Adventists' Associations in every University with in Uganda," said Ronald Kavuma, a member of MUSDAA.


"These people do a very wonderful job because personally I thought this is meant for the workers in the University. I must say they have a big heart," said Allan Kawuma, a resident in Lumumba hall.


MUSDAA is an Association of Makerere University students who are Seventh Day Adventists, and involve in this communal work once every year.