Mak Hostel Shuttles collide, Cause Jam and Panic

Written by: 
Christopher Tusiime

Transport system today afternoon got paralysed after Lady Nafisa and Makerere International Student Hostel (MISH) shuttles collided along the Pool road thereby blocking the way for other cars to pass.

The MISH shuttle, which was looking for parking space, was reversing, while the Lady Nafisa Shuttle was moving behind it consequently ended up colliding. The bitter Nafisa shuttle driver who is commonly known as 'Muzeyi' was about to slap his colleague as he accused him of careless driving.

"Why were you reversing that first while you were seeing am near you? It is your fault because you would have put indicators for me to stop. Now see what you have done to the boss's vehicle..." Muzeyi said.

The Nafisa driver while defending himself said that he had put indicators on, and his colleague just never wanted to stop the shuttle. "You see the indicators are still on, what do they mean? Can he tell me ? I put the indicators to show him that am parking, but he didn't observe that..." he argued.

As a result, cars moving along the road were stuck in their positions for close to half an hour as they waited for the two parties to settle their issues. Students in MISH's shuttle were heard screaming on top of their voices because of the big bang that was a result of the collusion. Nafisa shuttle didn't have students inside. No one sustained injuries though, both shuttles got damaged.