Increased Insecurity Worries Lungujja Residents

Written by: 
Daphine Nanyunja


The increased insecurity in Ssendawula Zone in Lungujja is worrying residents in the area, to the extent that they spend sleepless nights for fear of losing their lives and property. The residents expressed their concern during a security meeting with police in the area.

OC Lungujja Police, Moses Byaruhanga confirmed that insecurity is on the rise in the area, with almost ten reported cases of theft, burglary and assault daily.

“We register about ten cases of crime everyday which are mostly to do with stolen property,” says another officer, John Otim.

Otim emphasized the importance of security and blamed the residents who walk in the late hours of the night especially in dangerous areas where they are assaulted. He also accused residents of lack of cooperation, saying they know the suspects but they do not want to reveal them.

“The thieves are within you and believe me, they are also present today. I know everyone here has clues about who they are but nobody wants to cooperate with the police,” added Otim.

He however assured the residents that security is very easy to handle and police is doing their best to handle the situation since their those criminals already in custody to face charges in court.

The meeting gave residents a platform to discuss the matters that have led to the increased crime rate in their area.

Rebecca Kalusigalila, a resident expressed her mistrust and loss of confidence in police explaining that many cases are reported to police and criminals are set free.

“We no longer have trust in police because the criminals are set free even before you reach home from the police station after reporting. This puts our lives in danger because these criminals later seek for revenge,” explained Kalusigalila.

Another resident, Paul Kalyango blamed the increased insecurity to the big number of unemployed youths in the area who engage in committing crimes.

Residents requested police to deploy more officers in the area because the population is high.

Singh Katongole, the LC 2 chairman requested landlords to take responsibility of registering their tenants and introduce them to the area LC 1.