Construction of Women’s Hospital in Soroti Starts

Written by: 
Esther Aisu


The construction of Terrewode Women's Community Hospital (TWCH) in Soroti district has started, after it was launched by Speaker Rebecca Kadaga early this year.

Terrewode is The Association for Rehabilitation and Reorientation of Women for Development, which is behind the construction of the hospital. The first phase of the hospital is meant to put in place facilities to treat fistula in women.

The hospital is located in Awasi village, Arapai sub-county in Soroti district.

According to Alice Emasu, the Executive Director Terrewode, the hospital will replicate aspects of Dr. Catherine Hamlin, Ethiopia's Fistula Care model, and will support Soroti Main Hospital.

"Terrewode in collaboration with the health ministry and its partners are fighting hard to ensure we erase fistula in women and so far, over 4,000 women in Teso have been supported by Terrewode” Emasu said. Such partners are United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), AMREF and Gender Health.

According to Moses Kinobe, the supervising architect of the project, the first phase of construction is budgeted to cost approximately Ush.5.8 billion and expected to last eight months. The international Fistula Alliance is funding this phase.

Kinobe added that Gabikan Engineering Limited Construction Company is the responsible contractor for phase 1 that will consist of three blocks meant for administration, surgical and reintegration.

"In the second phase, the maternity, outpatient department and staff quarters' blocks will be constructed to enable Terrewode to provide maternal services," Kinobe added.

Francis Engwau, a representative of UNFPA said they are supporting efforts to end fistula. "The main objective of this specialized hospital for women is to provide services for obstetric fistula and other child birth related injuries," Engwau said.

"This new hospital will, therefore, provide the government with an opportunity to prevent, treat and care for those who receive surgery," Engwau said.

According to George William Egunyu, the Soroti LC 5 chairperson, the people there should embrace and use the hospital for better health services.

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