Suruma Applauds Asians for Uganda’s Economic Recovery

Written by: 
Sheillar Mutetsi


The economy of Uganda largely depends on Asians – Prof. Suruma


Uganda’s former Finance Minister, Prof. Ezra Suruma has applauded Asians for the revival of Uganda's economy since their return in 1980s.

During an exclusive interview, Suruma, the senior presidential advisor on finance and planning, said the Asians have made a great contribution to the growth of Uganda's economy. He refers to them as resilient and hardworking people.

"Regardless of them being affected in the Amin regime, they have still made a great comeback which makes them exceptional," Suruma told Journalism@mak. To him, this is a rare character among many Ugandans.

According to the Forbes magazine 2018, most of the top ten richest men in Uganda are Indians, yet they make just 1% of the population but contribute 65% to economic development through taxes, production, service delivery and employment. Key among these are Sudhir Ruparelia, Mukesh Shukla, Mohammed Hamid, Karim Hijri, among others.

Their contribution is not only economic but even social, health related, educational and religious.

Addressing the Indian community in Uganda in 2018, President Yoweri Museveni emphasized the contribution of the Indians in Uganda to recovery of Uganda's economy. He said, "Uganda's imports have reduced due to local Indians manufacturers".

During his visit to Uganda this year, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi credited the relationship between India and Uganda and regarded it as one of its best priorities in African countries.

Suruma attributed the poor economic background of Uganda to the Amin regime when the Asians were expelled from the country, when he says the economy died.