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Two robbers broke into a student’s room in the slums of Kikoni near God Is Able Hostel and robbed money, a smartphone as well as a laptop after assaulting him.

Allan Mugabe, a second year student of Education said that it was around 3:00 am when he heard someone knocking at his door. He opened assuming it was a friend only to be grabbed by the throat by two unknown strong men who asked him to surrender all his money, smartphone and a laptop which he did to save his life.

“I opened the door to see who was knocking only to see two masked men who grabbed my neck trying to strangle me and threaten to kill me if I did not keep quiet,” Mugabe narrated.

They tied his legs and arms, then picked his Tecno smartphone, Acer laptop, a laptop bag and his money worth 200,000 shillings which was in the wallet and ran away.

Anthony Mugerwa, a neighbor said he heard Mugabe screaming but feared to get out of his room because he could hardly identify the two men. “I cannot clearly describe the people I saw because many people have always come to visit Mugabe,” Mugerwa said.

Mr. Fulgensio Kaddu, the village Defense Secretary said that they have tried to apprehend the thieves and stop theft in vain but promises to work hard with his team in keeping people’s property. Nearby police however said they were not aware of the incident.

This is not the first time to record theft of this kind in Kikoni; last week two thugs were arrested as they stole from one shop in Kikoni. Kaddu said that it is gangs who do not work yet want food every day that goes and are pre-dominantly in Kikoni, Kiwuunya, Bwaise, Kasubi and Kikumi-kikumi.