MUPSA New EC Sworn In

Written by: 
Venenscias Kiiza

Makerere University Private Students Association (MUPSA) members on Thursday witnessed the swearing in of the new committee to organize the forth coming elections that will see the replacement of the Onesmus Muwanga regime.

The elected are Ronald Pande-Chairperson, Sandra Nanyunja-Vice Chairperson, Abel Rutungu-Gen Secretary, Emmanuel Epel-Public Relations Officer and Justine Nabulonge-Finance Secretary respectively.

The election that attracted a pool of candidates for the respective positions is said to have been free and fair.

The chairperson has announced that, this coming election will be open to every private student and it will be conducted at the freedom square.

Picking of the nomination forms begins on 21st this month; on 28th it will be screening of the candidates; 1st April a presidential debate as well as general elections on 2nd April.