Appears in: National

The police has changed the venue for Amama Mbabazi’s first rally after what was chosen by the organizers was rejected. Mbabazi’s first upcountry rally was scheduled to take place today, Monday 9th at The Mayors Gardens, also known as Lorry Park but has been changed to Golf Course.

Post date: 8 years 10 months ago
Appears in: Campus

                                                                                          Photo by Frank Baguma

Two fourth year Bachelor of Journalism and Communication students yesterday scooped Mak Varsity Awards.

Derrick Ssenyonga, won the Media Broadcast Personality while Venescius Kizza, a journalist working with Red Pepper scooped Print Media Personality Award.

Post date: 8 years 10 months ago
Appears in: Society
Porridge nights at Makerere, myths, facts and lies about this social-cultural event. What is the reasoning behind the porridge? DAVIDSON NDYABAHIKA explores.
Post date: 8 years 10 months ago
Appears in: Campus

Makerere University students were left in shock when a tree fell hitting a waiting taxi that left four people injured at the institutions main gate.

The accident occurred at around 7pm on Saturday and left the taxi in pieces.

Eye witnesses account that the driver of the taxi sustained serious head injuries after attempts to escape from the falling tree.

Post date: 8 years 10 months ago
Appears in: Science and Technology

Security researchers have revealed a $1400 technology which can be used to exploit the security flaw in 4G enabled smart phones to locate precise location of the apps users by simply messaging them.

Post date: 8 years 10 months ago
Appears in: Campus

With just a few months to his graduation, Makerere University journalism and communication student Badru Katumba’s passion for photojournalism is already paying off.

Katumba emerged the third runner up in the Daily Life category at Thursday’s Uganda Press Photo Awards (UPPA) ceremony held at the Uganda Museum in Kampala.  

Post date: 8 years 10 months ago
Appears in: National

The Archbishop of Mbarara Archdiocese His Grace Paul K. Bakyenga has argued the youth to work towards changing their universities and societies.

In a speech read by the Diocesan Pastoral Coordinator Rev. Fr. Leo Tinkatumire, Bakyenga said that the youth should work for transformation of their societies. “Much has been invested in you. Make every effort to transform the universities where you are and your societies after your graduation.”

Post date: 8 years 11 months ago
Dr. Kenneth Omona, the National Resistance Movement (NRM) Deputy Treasurer
Appears in: Campus

Election periods are significant in determining any country's future but on contrary such times in Uganda have never been peaceful.  For instance, walk to work protests dogged  post 2011 elections as opposition led by Kizza Besigye went to streets demonstrating against the then hiking cost of living. However, government decoded it as a mean to overthrow it, hence using an iron hard to quash the demonstration.

Post date: 8 years 11 months ago
Appears in: Campus

Minister of State for Higher Education, Science and Technology, Hon.  Professor Sandy Stevens Tickodri-Togboa has decried the kind of graduates produced by universities arguing  that there is a mismatch between graduates and what the world requires

Post date: 8 years 11 months ago
Appears in: National


Dr. Sarah SSali a senior lecturer at the school of Women and Gender studies Makerere University has urged youth to unite and form a single coalition if they are to effectively communicate with government about their grievances.

Post date: 8 years 11 months ago
