Dr. kazuhiko explainig how a rice thresher works
Appears in: Business

Poor agricultural mechanization is one of the biggest hindrances to transforming Uganda’s agriculture from subsistence agriculture to commercial agriculture, Dr. Godfrey Asea, the Director of National Crops Resources Research Institute (NaCRRI) has said.

Post date: 8 years 7 months ago
David Bala campaigning at university Hall during the guild presidential campaigns
Appears in: Campus


The outgoing Makerere guild president,   David Bala Bwiruka on wednesday last week asked students at the oldest University in Uganda to vote for FDCs Kizza Besigye during the fourth coming elections, citing that he is the best presidential candidate who will solve Uganda’s challenges.

Post date: 8 years 7 months ago
Appears in: become a lady, Society

Do you want to be treated like a lady? Have you wondered why you do not command the respect? Well, our reporter, Njuna Yvonne highlights what you need to consider to become a lady;

1. Mind Your Posture

Post date: 8 years 9 months ago
Appears in: Cranes Accident, National

Uganda Cranes players that sustained injuries after the team bus was involved in an accident on Tuesday have been discharged from hospital.

“All players are better off now including myself after that fatal accident, we visited Nakasero hospital for treatment and all this was catered for by state house,” narrated Ahmed Hussein the FUFA Spoke Person at the weekly FUFA press briefing on Wednesday.

Post date: 8 years 9 months ago
Appears in: Makerere Student, Campus

A Makerere University student only identified as Norah gave birth in the bathroom of Douglas Villa hostel-Kikoni on Tuesday morning.  According to residents at the hostel, Norah had gone for a morning shower but instead developed labor pains giving birth to a bouncing baby girl.

Post date: 8 years 9 months ago
Appears in: Campus

Makerere University Journalism and Communication department has finally accepted to take part in the campaign to raise funds to finish the grave of the fallen journalism student Esther Nakitende.

The campaign dubbed #LegacyEsther was launched by the Makerere University Journalism and Communication students Association (MUJCA) president Aggrey Nyondwa on 3rd November, 2015.

Post date: 8 years 9 months ago
Appears in: Campus

Makerere University administration has barred over 1,000 students from sitting for the end of semester exams after failing to complete tuition.

The examinations kicked off on December 30th,  leaving several students stranded after they were blocked from entering examination rooms. All students were required to submit examination permits or financial statements indicating 100% tuition payment.

Post date: 8 years 9 months ago
Appears in:
Post date: 8 years 9 months ago
Appears in: Esther Dies, MAKERERE, Campus

Makerere University journalism student leaders have solicited over UGX one million from staff and colleagues meant to help in the tiling and finishing of the late Esther’s grave. The remarks were made by the Finance Minister Makerere University Journalism and Communication Association (MUJCA), Lyn Tukei during an extra ordinary meeting.

Post date: 8 years 9 months ago
Appears in: Campus

As Joan Baur notes that when the going gets tough, the tough get a librarian, this is not any different to makerere university students. Long lines of students are visible at the Main Library struggling to enter the facility for their revisions and preparations ahead of their final semester examinations.

Post date: 8 years 9 months ago
