Appears in: Makerere University, Campus

Makerere University admistractors have called upon the general public and the institution's stakeholders to give in their views about the proposed new fees policy.

Prof Barnabas Nawangwe, the Vice- Chancellor in charge of Finance and Administration said the proposed policy has been uploaded to the University's website to ensure a variety of opinions in the debate so that the policy becomes one that is not imposed, but agreed upon.

Post date: 8 years 2 months ago
Appears in: Society

Pope Francis said Sunday that Christians owe apologies to gays and others who have been offended or exploited by the church, remarks that some Catholics hailed as a breakthrough in the church's tone toward homosexuality.

"I repeat what the Catechism of the Catholic Church says: that they must not be discriminated against, that they must be respected and accompanied pastorally," Francis said at a press conference aboard the papal plane returning from Armenia.

Post date: 8 years 2 months ago
Appears in: Society

Empaako, which in English translates to pet name, is a praise name or a name of respect used among the Banyoro, Batooro, Batagwenda, Batuku and Banyabindi and Banyaruguru.

Among these tribes, we are specifically going to look at the Batooro. In Kitooro culture where mpakoos respected and preserved, empaako is something that can't be under looked, even those that are from tribes that don't have pet names are given one once they are in Tooro.

Post date: 8 years 2 months ago
Appears in: Society

Its 8:40am on a sunny Monday and I'm stationed at the main gate of Buddo Secondary School. I'm welcomed by the gate's catchy artistic writings: "Welcome to Buddo SS; The struggle continues".

After entering the gate, and checked by a smiling askari who also asks me to sign in the visitors book, something looks new. When I left this school two years back, I didn't leave this magnificent building, but I head straight to the Headmaster's office, Lawrence Muwonge, a Peter pan.

Post date: 8 years 3 months ago
Appears in: Makerere University, Campus

Following series of violent strikes by students over what they called unfair fees policies, Makerere University administration has moved to put in place a new policy.

While speaking at a press conference from the senior common room of the main building at Makerere University on Friday, the deputy Vice Chancellor (Finance and Administration), Prof Barnabas Nawangwe said that this policy aims at benefiting the students and the university.

Post date: 8 years 3 months ago
Appears in: National

Yesterday drama ensued in Kasangati Chief Magistrate's court after one witness to pin Besigye in disobeying lawful orders admitted that he was telling lies.

While responding to questions during a cross-examination by Ernest Kalibala (EK) and Fredrick Mpanga (FM), the lawyers of FDC's Dr Kizza Besigye, Brian Omwito, 33, a police constable who works with the evidence-gathering unit, tesfied that it's true his accounts of the whole incident don't add up.

Post date: 8 years 3 months ago
Appears in: Society

The hash tag for an online campaign that was launched by Makerere students has today topped Twitter's list of trending tags.

Dubbed #RegulateBodabodas, the campaign is aimed at pressurising government to regulate motorcycles involved in the transport sector, and has mainly been run on one of the world's famous social networking site, Twitter.

Post date: 8 years 3 months ago
Appears in: Makerere University, Science and Technology

Where as CBS radio station was celebrating 20 years of existence in Buganda from Wankulukuku, Makerere University used the chance to showcase its ground-breaking innovations in technology.

During the CBS Pewosa expo that kicked of on June 16 and is to end on June 24, Makerere's Prof William Kyamuhangire and Peter Walusimbi Kagole who is an engineer, a tractor operator and the mobile plant attendant, stole the match when they unveiled the juice making machine

Post date: 8 years 3 months ago
Appears in: Society

Last Friday, the Commissioner General of Prisons, Dr Johnson Byabashaija said that all prisoners providing labour to both private and government projects must be paid in hard cash.

While presiding over the ninth Annual General Meeting of the Uganda Prisons Savings and Credit Cooperative Society at Luzira prison, Dr Byabashaija said that prisoners are not slaves to offer free labour even through they are in prison.

Post date: 8 years 3 months ago
