Appears in: Society

The Anti-Terrorism Police has risen concerns about the security levels in Makerere University after staff and students failed to respond to a bomb scare siren.

The siren, which went off at about 10:30am in the main building which  houses offices of the top administrators and the main hall, on Friday, was switched on by security personnel after he found out an unidentified bag suspected to be containing a bomb.

Post date: 8 years 2 months ago
Appears in: Society

Masaka residents are still in shock after two soldiers attached to the
UPDF Armoured Brigade Barracks at Kissajjagirwa in the District were yesterday shot dead from inside the military base.

The dead have been identified as Corporal Bahingana and Lance corporal Kabugo, who were killed while guarding the military technical stores in the barracks.

Post date: 8 years 2 months ago
Appears in: Society

The look in her eyes, was like an effigy of sorrow;  full of resentment, naivety and hope. Maybe no one will understand the wrath she had kept inside her. Standing far away from the crowd, with her a agricultural products on her head(that she     had brought to sell on that market day),her little one on her back,she truly portrays the kaleidoscope of African culture.

Post date: 8 years 2 months ago
Appears in: Society

A one Balikuddembe Mukasa has sued The Aids Support Organisation (TASO), an HIV and Aids free service initiative, for giving him false HIV- positive test results, making him suffer serious damages.

Mukasa filed the suit on June 28, 2016, with proof that three years back, on June 13, 2013, TASO called for a free public HIV/AIDS testing in Masaka taxi park, and he turned up.

Post date: 8 years 2 months ago
Appears in: Makerere University, Campus

The 82nd Makerere University students' guild leadership has, after making minor changes, accepted the proposed fees policy that was put forward for discussion by the search committee.

Post date: 8 years 2 months ago
Appears in: Society

With India being one of the countries with a highest population in the world, estimatimated to be 1,251,695,584 ( 1.3 billion) people, it’s a pity that her people have started dying because of a deadly infection, Leprosy.

Post date: 8 years 2 months ago
Appears in: Society

Was it the perfect chiseled face? Or the perfect teeth? The babyish smile? The innocent look in his eyes? The way he looked at me? Or the way he kissed me,  that captured my attention? (maybe I misread the signs) then I told him I loved him.

Post date: 8 years 2 months ago
Appears in: KCCA, Ministy of Health, Mulago Hospital, Commentary

Yesterday, I confirmed what I have always heard about Mulago Hospital. It was my first time to step there, but what I found was quite sickening: the place looked so awful. As I walked around, I bumped into
a rubbish area; my heart is even about to pop out as I type this as the memory of it is just nauseating.

Post date: 8 years 2 months ago
Appears in: Commentary

Plea bargaining is the process whereby a criminal defendant and prosecutor reach a mutually satisfactory disposition of a criminal case, subject to court’s approval

This is a new venture in the criminal justice system in Uganda majorly
aimed at decongesting prisons. Many of the Ugandan prisons carry almost four times their capacity and the living conditions are poor.

Post date: 8 years 2 months ago
Appears in: Business

Many people have remained  trapped in chains of dire poverty, nowadays, because they think starting a business is costly, writes SHIFRAH KAYAGA. However, talking to some milllionares in Kampala, a business can be started by any one with any amount of money, and it flourishes.

In most cases,  It’s not even the level of education that people have achieved, but even nature can be harnessed to ensure that one lives a splendid life, free of deprivation.

Post date: 8 years 2 months ago
