Appears in: Science and Technology

US-based cybersecurity firm Checkpoint on Sunday discovered security flaws in software found used on tens of millions of android devices already on market, world over.

This flaws can give a hacker complete access to the system of any of the implicated devices thereby taking the gadget's full control, including making calls, taking photographs and sending SMS. 

The research firm discovered the bug when looking at software running on chipsets made by US company Qualcomm.

Post date: 8 years 1 month ago
Appears in: Makerere University, NCHE, National

After wide consultations between Makerere University council, students' body and the government, the institution has finally adopted a new fees policy.

Under this new policy, students are required to pay Shs 200, 000 with in the first three weeks of every new semester and failure to do so attracts a surcharge of Shs 20,000.

Post date: 8 years 1 month ago
Appears in: Campus

Following mixed rumours on social media about how Makerere has postponed opening for the first semester, the Vice Chancellor Prof John Ddumba Ssentamu has come out to clear the air.

Speaking to the reporter of this website Ddumba said: "Because of the ongoing non-teaching staff strike, we shall open on 13 Aug and not 20 Aug as it had been rumoured." He added that both continuing and first year students will report on the same date.

Post date: 8 years 1 month ago
Appears in: National

After two years of starting a new 4-year optometry programme at the College of Health Sciences, Makerere University on Thursday opened up the Academic Vision Centre to facilitate practical lessons for the enrolled students.

Located at the University hospital, the facility is a donation from Australian Government, Light for the world, University of New South Wales based in Australia, and Brien Holden Vision Institute - a global non-profit organisation.

Post date: 8 years 1 month ago
Appears in: National

After two years of starting a new 4-year optometry programme at the College of Health Sciences, Makerere University on Thursday opened up the Academic Vision Centre to facilitate practical lessons for the enrolled students.

Post date: 8 years 1 month ago
Appears in: Society

One of the things that will raise your eyebrows once you step in Makerere now is the breakneck speed at which the famous Guild Canteen, which is a stone's throw from Senate building, is being demolished. By yesterday, some walls had already been hammered down.

Post date: 8 years 1 month ago
Appears in: Jackson Betihamah, Makerere University, Punsef, Campus

Tanga Odoi, the chairman of Makerere University Convocation, a body that unites the institution's former students and workers, has hired 30 of the alumni to help the management give out admission letters as the strike for the responsible staff enters day three.

While speaking at a press conference at Makerere University yesterday, Odoi said that the move is for the good of the joining students, the university and the striking staff.

Post date: 8 years 1 month ago
Appears in: Campus

Moses Mugisa a second year student of Business Administration from Fort Portal Campus has successfully halted plans by Makerere management to close the western based institution.

Last month, Mugisa dragged the university to court for breaching the contract after their acting vice chancellor Dr Ali Twaha, at the end of the semester, gave them circulars indicating that the campus would not open this academic year, 2016/2017.

Post date: 8 years 1 month ago
Appears in: National

With a few days to the opening of new academic year 2016/2017, Public University Non-Teaching Staff Executive Forum (Puntsef) members today laid down their tools, demanding government for their arrears and salary enhancements.

According to Jackson Betihamah, the chairperson Puntsef, the 4620 members will only resume work after receiving Shs 56.5 billion.

Post date: 8 years 1 month ago
Appears in: National

The Fort Portal Municipality MP Alex Ruhunda has launched the Fort Portal Municipality Secondary school Headteachers Association (Fomusha) that is aimed at among, other things, ending drug abuse among students and poor academic performance.

Post date: 8 years 1 month ago
