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Classrooms in South Sudan go silent as the Sun Stands Still

In March 2024, South Sudan faced an unprecedented heatwave, forcing the government to shut down schools nationwide, leaving both learners and teachers in limbo, unsure of when they would reopen. As the temperatures soared above 40 degrees Celsius, the heatwave was expected to last for at least two weeks, putting the country in a state of crisis.

How Media Ownership Structure Hurts Environment Reporting in South Sudan

In South Sudan, the media ownership structure hinders efforts to document stories on environment and climate change.

In the world’s youngest nation, the harsh realities of the effects of climate change are not only being felt on the ground but also through the airwaves. While the media is expected to play a key role in mobilizing and sensitizing the population, especially in times of emergency such as floods, heatwaves, forced migrations among others, the media landscape makes this difficult for a national discourse on environmental conservation to be shaped.

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