Engage in Meaningful Governance – Youth Urged

Written by: 
Tusiime Christopher

The youth have been encouraged to work together and start working on the long lost youth voice that has rendered them inferior in politics.

The remarks were made by Ahmed Hadji of the African Development Link (AYDL) during a dialogue held under the theme, "Debating Meaningful youth Engagement in Democratic Governance" at Makerere University.

“Work together and start working on the long lost youth voice that can be achievable (only) if the youth get together and drop the inferiority complex in themselves of not managing politics,” he said.

He further emphasized that the educated youth go back to the grass roots and involve those who have not yet realized the need of youth engagement in the country's politics.

Ivan Rugambwa, a student at the university emphasized more coercion amongst the youth. 

“Let’s forget the political party affiliation differences and embark on one thing that benefits us. The youth should be focused, drop candidates pursuing selfish ambitions,” Rugambwa cautioned.

The dialogue was organized by University Forum on Governance (UNIFOG) in conjunction with Konrad Adenaur Stiftung (KAS), a German based organization and was attended mainly by youth from Makerere University, Busitema University, Makerere Business School, Kyambogo and other institutions.

UNIFOG is a university forum that organizes dialogues and debates that are intended for ensuring better governance policies in the country and the general welfare of the society in Uganda. It works with different Non Government organizations such as Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS).

Ahmed Hadji speaking at one of the conferences in Kampala recently