BREAKING: Makerere Refutes Claim Of Reopening Tomorrow

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Contrary to the Education Minister's statement that Makerere will reopen tomorrow, the university's acting Vice Chancellor Prof Barnabas Nawangwe has said the council has not yet agreed on when students should report for the new academic year.

Speaking to this reporter, Nawangwe said that the official communication will be made tomorrow.

The substantive vice chancellor Prof John Ddumba-Ssentamu is off duty after losing his mother. He is currently in Masaka.

Nawangwe said: "The University Council is having a meeting tomorrow, and we shall communicate to public what we have agreed on. For now, I can't say the University is Opening tomorrow.

The Non-teaching staff members [who are on sit down strike] are also meeting tomorrow in the morning."

Prof Nawangwe, who is also the deputy Vice Chancellor [Finance and Administration] declined to give a comment on whether the management had agreed with the First Lady Ms Janet Kataaha Museveni on alleged tomorrow's reopening.

Earlier today, Ms Janet Museveni had met with some students of Makerere at Prime Ministers office and assured them their campus will reopen tomorrow.

Skeptical students including the acting guild president Jothan Burobuto asked the Education minister for a letter from the university management confirming the decision. She didn't provide it.


As all these resolutions are being made, the people responsible for opening the university, Public Universities Non-Teaching Staff Executive Forum (Puntsef) members insist they are still on strike.

Jackson Betihamah, the chairman Puntsef, on Monday evening told this reporter: " it's one thing to have public universities reopened, and another to have people working inside them. The public shouldn't be deceived; we are still on strike and we need all our money[Shs 56bn for salary arrears and enhancement]."

Betihamah also said that for those who think its only Makerere that is not reopening, they should visit other public universities.

He added that the opened campuses had padlocks cut and students in them are cooking for themselves now, giving an example of Kyambogo.

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