Mitchellex Solidarity Tightens

Written by: 
Happy Ali Kanyankole

The long weekend was not just about the Independence Day celebration and resting but also gave an open chance to the Mitchel and complex halls residents to revamp their solidarity.

By Wednesday evening Mitchell boys had anticipated a nice weekend ahead of them, and so benching complex hall girls begun. By Thursday evening, every boy’s plea seemed to have been positively answered as girls slowly stormed Mitchell hall and briefly erasing its status as a single boy’s hall for a moment.

 The Interior Minister of Mitchell hall Mr. Bimanywaruhanga Benjamin said that he was so impressed by the revived Mitchelex culture and the continued belief from their alumni to socialize more freely with their complex friends. He also encouraged the lonely boys to keep on socializing with these girls and mostly the fresh ones so as to keep their culture alive.

The heavy rain over the weekend enhanced the whole situation as boys craved for warmth from their sisters a thing that led into a compromising situation as doors to rooms locked and music played with high volumes which soaked all the screams from inside and were only heard when a power blackout ruled Mitchell hall with lights and music going off.

The screams from rooms B12, A23, C19 and B6 seemed not bothered by the silence of the environment as they attracted on listeners to their shared secrets, Atwiine K, a first year inmate of room B6 was overheard saying  "this has been my best experience at campus so far and am very happy about Mitchellex solidarity."