Dark Spots Hide Criminals – Mak Students

Written by: 
Cosmas Ssegirinnya & Hope Tayebwa


Several places with poor and inadequate lighting have been pointed out as major causes of sexual harassment in Makerere University.

These places have become hiding places for criminals who take advantage of female students especially those on the evening program.

During a conference held at the College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHUSS) on Thursday , the students pointed out a number of areas that have taken the lead in harbouring people who harass students.

Places such as the Rugby grounds, behind Mary Stuart and Lumumba halls, behind CEDAT college and the road that connects the Western Gate to Lumumba Hall have been cited among the many.

Nanozi Rebecca, a student at CHUSS explains how she narrowly escaped unidentified men who went after her as she was heading to her hostel in Kavule, a Kampala suburb commonly known as Kikumi-Kikumi.

"I was going back to my hostel after the 9pm lecture, and two men started following me. They started calling me but I did not stop until I reached the road after Nsibirwa Hall,'' Nanozi narrates.

The conference also addressed how the issue of sexual harassment can be dealt with in the community.

Emmanuel Oketcho, the Guild Representative for the School of Women and Gender Studies, urged fellow students to interact with one another because the more united people are the stronger they become.

"Interaction will help us to curb the sexual harassment vice," Oketcho adds.

Frances Nyachwo, the deputy director Gender Mainstreaming Directorate, called upon the university to frequently hold sensitization workshops and advised students to safe guard themselves.

"Anyone can be harassed regardless of gender or age. You need to be very careful and responsible," she told students, adding that victims should go to the police for help and the university hospital for check up before seventy two hours elapse.